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而在这片土地上的每个地方,千千万万和你一样的年轻人正是这样在书写着自己的命运。 例如德克萨斯州罗马市的贾斯敏(Jazmin Perez)。刚进学校时,她根本不会说英语,她住的地方几乎没人上过大学,她的父母也没有受过高等教育,但她努力学习,取得了优异的成绩,靠奖学金进入了布朗大学,如今正在攻读公共卫生专业的博士学位。

我还想起了加利福尼亚州洛斯拉图斯市的安多尼(Andoni Schultz),他从三岁起就开始与脑癌病魔做斗争,他熬过了一次次治疗与手术——其中一次影响了他的记忆,因此他得花出比常人多几百个小时的时间来完成学业,但他从不曾落下自己的功课。这个秋天,他要开始在大学读书了。

又比如在我的家乡,伊利诺斯州芝加哥市,身为孤儿的香特尔(Shantell Steve)换过多次收养家庭,从小在治安很差的地区长大,但她努力争取到了在当地保健站工作的机会、发起了一个让青少年远离犯罪团伙的项目,很快,她也将以优异的成绩从中学毕业,去大学深造。



不管你决定做什么,我都希望你能坚持到底,希望你能真的下定决心。 我知道有些时候,电视上播放的节目会让你产生这样那样的错觉,似乎你不需要付出多大的努力就能腰缠万贯、功成名就——你会认为只要会唱rap、会打篮球或参加个什么真人秀节目就能坐享其成,但现实是,你几乎没有可能走上其中任何一条道路。







美国不是一个人们遭遇困难就轻易放弃的国度,在这个国家,人们坚持到底、人们加倍努力,为了他们所热爱的国度,每一个人都尽着自己最大的努力,不会给自己留任何余地。 250年前,有一群和你们一样的学生,他们之后奋起努力、用一场革命最终造就了这个国家;75年前,有一群和你们一样的学生,他们之后战胜了大萧条、赢得了二战;就在20年前,和你们一样的学生们,他们后来创立了GoogleTwitterFacebook,改变了我们人与人之间沟通的方式。




Hi , Hello, everyone ! How was your day today ? I am now , and Arlington County , Virginia Wakefield High School students together, all over the country there are many from kindergarten to high school students through television concern here, I 'm glad you could share this moment.
I know that for many of you people, today is the first day of school , there are some of you just entering preschool or early school rose for you , this is the first day in a new school , so , if you feel a bit nervous , and that is normal. I think there will be many graduating students are confidently prepare for the final year of the sprint. However, I think no matter how much you have , what grade in reading , many people are playing the heart, hope is still on summer vacation , and do not get up so early today .
I can understand this feeling . Childhood , our family lived several years in Indonesia , and my mother had no money to send me to another place where American children go to school to study , so she decided to give my own school - time is Monday to Friday 4:30 .Obviously, I do not like getting up so early , many times , so I fell asleep on the kitchen table . When  ever  I 'd complain , my mother will always be one of those looks at me and said : "little devil , do you think I am very easy to teach you ? "
So, I can understand that many of you who still need time for school to adjust and adapt to , but I stand here today is to talk to you about something important . I want to talk with you about your education for everyone , as well as in the new school year, you ought to do.I've done a lot of speeches about education , but also often used the "responsibility " of the word .
I 've talked about teachers ' responsibility for inspiring students and pushing you to learn.I've talked about your parents ' responsibility for serious study, finish the job, do not spend every waking hour watching TV or playing video games .I also talked a lot about the Government's responsibility to set high standards and strict requirements, to assist the work of teachers and principals , changing in some schools students deprived of opportunities to learn the status quo.
But even if all this to achieve the best , even if we have the most dedicated teachers , the best parents and the best schools , if you do not fulfill their responsibilities , then all this effort will be in vain. - Unless you go to school on time every day , unless you listened to the teacher , unless you put parents, elders and other big mind what people say , unless you are willing to pay the necessary effort to succeed , otherwise it will lose all meaning .
And this is the theme of my speech today : for their own education, the responsibility of each of you . First, I want to talk about what responsibility you have to yourself . Every one of you has something you're good at , everyone is useful material , and discover what their talents , which you want to take up their responsibilities . Education can provide an opportunity to discover their talent .
Perhaps you can write beautiful words - maybe even good enough those words appear in books and newspapers - but if not often practice writing English class , you will not find yourself with such a talent ;
Maybe you could be a inventors, creators - even the design of the iPhone as popular as today 's products , or develop a new medicine or vaccine - but if not natural science courses several experiments on the cook , you will not know that you have such a talent ; Maybe you could be a Member or a Supreme Court justice , but if you do not join student government or the debate team , you will not discover their talents.And I can assure you , whatever you want to do in the future , you need an education . - You want to be a doctor, a teacher or a police officer ? Do you want to become a nurse , an architect, a lawyer or a soldier ? Whether you choose a career, a good education are essential , does not exist in this world is not able to finish their dream to get a good job , any job , we need your sweat , training and learning.Not only for your personal future is important, your education will decide on the country and the world have an important impact on the future .
Today, you 're learning in school content , will determine the future of our entire nation can meet our greatest challenges in the performance .You need to learn mathematics and science courses the knowledge and skills to treat cancer and AIDS as a disease , and solve our energy problems and environmental problems ; you need to cultivate in history and social studies out of the observation and judgment , to reduce and eliminate homelessness and poverty , crime and discrimination, and make our nation more fair and free ; various courses you need to accumulate and gradually developed sense of innovation and thinking, to start-ups and established the new company with businesses, to create jobs and promote economic  growth.
We need everyone of you cultivate and develop their talents , skills and intellect to solve our most difficult problems faced .
If you do not do that - if you quit on school - you 're not just quitting on yourself, give up on your country.
Of course, I understand that reading books is not always an easy task . I know many of you people face in their lives with a variety of problems , it is difficult to focus on your schoolwork .I know how you feel . I was two years old when my father left the family , the mother a person will we struggled at times to pay the bills , and sometimes we can not get the other kids had something ,
I sometimes think that if the father much good , sometimes I feel lonely and helpless , out of tune with the surrounding environment .So I was not always able to concentrate on their studies , I did a lot of things feel ashamed , but also provoked many should not provoke trouble , my life could have easily nosedive.
But I was lucky. I have many things have been important to the opportunity , I got to go to college and law school and realize their dreams. My wife - now have to call her First Lady Michelle Obama a - has a similar life story , her parents had gone to college , there is no property, but they are hard work and her , a good let her have a chance to go to this country 's best schools.Some of you may not have these favorable conditions , and perhaps your life is not able to provide help and support for your elders , and perhaps one of your parents did not work, economic constraints, perhaps you live in a neighborhood not so safe , perhaps you know Some will adversely affect your friends, and so on. But in the end , your life situation - what you look like , origin, economic condition , family atmosphere - not neglect their studies and an excuse for a bad attitude , these are not you talk back to your teacher , skipping , or an excuse for dropping out of school , these are not you do not make good reading excuse.Your future does not depend on how good your life now or bad . No one you well structured your destiny , in America, you write your own destiny , your future, your own master.In this land of each place , tens of thousands of young people like you in writing of their own just such a fate .Texas  for example, the city of Rome Jazmin . Perez (Jazmin Perez). When he first entered the school , she did not speak English, she lived almost nobody went to college , her parents did not highly educated, but she tried to learn , and achieved excellent results, by scholarship to Brown University , Today is pursuing a doctorate in public health professional .I also think the city of Los Altos, California Andoni . Schultz (Andoni Schultz), he was three years old , began to fight the disease with brain cancer , he survived again treated with surgery - which once affected his memory , so it took him much longer - hundreds of hours of time to complete their studies, but he never fell behind their homework. This fall, he headed to college to study.  Another example is in my hometown , Chicago, Illinois , as orphans Shantell Steve (Shantell Steve) changed many times adoptive families , grew up in the poor law and order in areas to grow, but she managed to get to work in the local health centers the opportunity to initiate a criminal gang of young people away from the project , and soon , she will be graduating with honors from high school , go to college.Jazmin , Andoni and Shantell are not any different . Like you , they also encounter various difficulties in life and problems , but they refused to give up, they choose to take responsibility for their own education , to set their own goal. I hope everyone of you , can do that.So , today, I call on you to everyone for their education set a goal - and later , do everything you can to meet them . Your goal can be something as simple as doing the job , listen carefully or read every day - perhaps you intend to participate in extracurricular activities , or do some volunteer work in the community ;
Maybe you'll decide for those and other reasons because of looks or origin but by mockery or bully kids call the shots, protect their interests , because you , like me, believes that every child should be able to have a safe learning environment ; Maybe you'll decide to take better care of themselves and prepare for future learning ...... of course , in addition, I hope you have a lot of hands, feel physically uncomfortable and more time to rest at home , so everyone in the cold winter high season had the flu.
Whatever you decide to do, I hope you can stick in the end , never give up easily.I know that sometimes, on television programs will let you have this kind of illusion , it seems that you do not need to pay much effort can be wealthy, fame - you would think that as long as sing rap, play basketball or participate in what reality show, will be able to reap the profits , but the reality is that you almost impossible to embark on any one path.  
Because, being successful is hard . You can not want to read each course are immense interest , you can not , and every lesson with a teacher that you can not always be met seem relevant to your life operations. Moreover, not everything that you can be successful in the first time you try .But that does not matter.
Because in this world , the most successful people are the ones who've had the most failures . JK Rowling's first book , " Harry Potter" was rejected 12 times before the final publishers publishing ; Michael Jordan on his high school basketball team brush down in his career, he lost the hundreds of games and missed thousands of times over shooting baskets , know how he say that to me ? "
My life constantly fail fail again, fail again , and this is the reason I am successful ."They succeeded because they understand that people can not let your failures define you - but from the lessons . From the failure , the next time you can understand how they can make a change ; if you get into trouble, that does not mean you 're a troublemaker , but to remind you that in the future want to own more stringent requirements ; if you get a bad grade, that does not mean you 're stupid , but to tell you that she has to learn to spend more time on .No single individual's lifetime to do something good to come out , the only effort to cultivate skills.
No one was at first contact with a sports school team when he became a representative of no man is singing a song for the first time when they identify each sound , 've got to practice  The same is true for school , you may be repeated operations to solve a math problem of the correct answer , you may need to read a text several times to understand what it means , you may have to change several times a thesis submitted in order to meet the criteria . This is normal.
Do not afraid to ask questions . Do not be afraid to others for help. - Every day I was doing it. Help is not a sign of weakness , on the contrary, it shows you have the courage to admit their shortcomings and are willing to learn new knowledge . So, there do not know when it will help to big people - to find objects that you trust , such as parents, elders , teachers, coach or counselor - let them help you towards the goal .You have to remember , even if you perform well , even if you lose confidence , even if you feel like other people have given up on you - do not ever give up on yourself .
Because when you give yourself , you give up on your country.
America is not a people ready to give up difficulties kingdom , in this country , people persist in the end , people to redouble their efforts , for their beloved country , everyone do their own best efforts, do not give yourself any room .250 years ago , a group of students like you , they went on to wage a revolution and ultimately makes this country ; 75 years ago , a group of students like you , they overcame a Depression and won World War II ; just 20 years ago , and students like you , who founded Google, Twitter and Facebook, has changed our way of communicating between people .So today I want to ask you, ye will make what kind of contribution ? What you going to solve the problem ? Can you find out what kind of things ?
Twenty , fifty or a hundred years later, if at that time the U.S. president to do once opening speech , he described how would you have done to this country ?Your parents , your teachers, and I and everyone at their best efforts to ensure that you can have the education to answer these questions . I'm working hard to provide you a safer classrooms, more books , more advanced facilities with the computer. But you have to take on their responsibilities. So I ask you to get serious this year , I ask you to begin to do their own dedication to everything , I ask each of you have accomplished . Please do not let us down - do not let your family, your country and yourself down. You want to be our pride, I know you can do it .
Thank you, God bless you, and God bless America.
enjoy the life

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